Thursday 3 April 2025 | 08:30 - 18:00 | United Kingdom

UNISTOCK Europe Workshop

Pest management in grain storage:

Technical developments and relevant EU legislation

Orsett Hall Hotel - Prince Charles Ave, Orsett, Grays RM16 3HS, United Kingdom


08:30 - 08:45: Welcome and introduction of UNISTOCK Europe by Frank Peeter, UNISTOCK President

08:45 - 09:15: From farm to storage, an insect pest journey

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Boards (AHDB)

Kristina Grenz, Senior Cereal Product Quality Scientist

09:15 - 09:45: Safe Storage: mitigating losses through optimised grain handling

Buhler group

Tobias Daniel, Head of Market Segment Grain Storage

09:45 - 10:15: Pest management in grains storage


David Cross, Head of Technical Operations

Coffee break/networking (30 minutes)

10:45 - 11:30: Relevant EU legislations and solutions toolbox

Corteva and ENVU

Emma Jenkins, Chair of Regulatory Policy working group (Corteva)

Pascal Day, Chair of GAPEG working group (ENVU)

11:30 - 12:00: The world’s first robot for the sensing, sampling and management of bulk-stored cereal grains, protein crops and oilseeds


Dr Lorenzo Conti, Managing Director

12:00 - 12:30: Closing panel, including questions and answers

Moderators: Julian Scott, Chair and Gianluca Nurra, Scientific and Technical Advisor, UNISTOCK Europe

13:10 - 13:15: Presentation of Thames Grain Elevators

Richard Woodrow, Managing Director

Lunch break (1 hour) and transport to Thames Grain Elevators by bus

14:30 - 18:00: Technical visit of Thames Grain Elevators (Tilbury Docks, Tilbury, Essex England, RM18 7LS) including:

  • practical demonstration of how grains are unloaded, stored and handled in a grain terminal;

  • practical demonstration of how the CROVER robotic sampling probe works in a horizontal silo for grain storage;

  • practical demonstration of how pest management is managed, recorded and monitored in a grain terminal (showing also the negligible exposure for workers). 

Participants will be split into groups led by a Thames Grain Elevators representative, a UNISTOCK Europe Secretariat team member and the relevant speaker.


Registrations are now open! Please note that participation will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. The participation fee for non-UNISTOCK members of €400 (VAT excluded) includes:

  • Participation in all sessions of the workshop (morning and afternoon sessions).

  • Coffee breaks and lunch.

  • All presentations and training materials shown during the workshop.

  • Transport from the Orsett Hall Hotel to Thames Grain Elevators and back.

  • Technical visit of Thames grain elevators.