Thursday 3 April 2025 | 08:30 - 18:00 | United Kingdom
UNISTOCK Europe Workshop
Pest management in grain storage:
Technical developments and relevant EU legislation
Orsett Hall Hotel - Prince Charles Ave, Orsett, Grays RM16 3HS, United Kingdom
08:30 - 08:45: Welcome and introduction of UNISTOCK Europe by Frank Peeter, UNISTOCK President
08:45 - 09:15: From farm to storage, an insect pest journey
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Boards (AHDB)
Kristina Grenz, Senior Cereal Product Quality Scientist
09:15 - 09:45: Safe Storage: mitigating losses through optimised grain handling
Tobias Daniel, Head of Market Segment Grain Storage
09:45 - 10:15: Pest management in grains storage
David Cross, Head of Technical Operations
Coffee break/networking (30 minutes)
10:45 - 11:30: Relevant EU legislations and solutions toolbox
Emma Jenkins, Chair of Regulatory Policy working group (Corteva)
Pascal Day, Chair of GAPEG working group (ENVU)
11:30 - 12:00: The world’s first robot for the sensing, sampling and management of bulk-stored cereal grains, protein crops and oilseeds
Dr Lorenzo Conti, Managing Director
12:00 - 12:30: Closing panel, including questions and answers
Moderators: Julian Scott, Chair and Gianluca Nurra, Scientific and Technical Advisor, UNISTOCK Europe
13:10 - 13:15: Presentation of Thames Grain Elevators
Richard Woodrow, Managing Director
Lunch break (1 hour) and transport to Thames Grain Elevators by bus
14:30 - 18:00: Technical visit of Thames Grain Elevators (Tilbury Docks, Tilbury, Essex England, RM18 7LS) including:
practical demonstration of how grains are unloaded, stored and handled in a grain terminal;
practical demonstration of how the CROVER robotic sampling probe works in a horizontal silo for grain storage;
practical demonstration of how pest management is managed, recorded and monitored in a grain terminal (showing also the negligible exposure for workers).
Participants will be split into groups led by a Thames Grain Elevators representative, a UNISTOCK Europe Secretariat team member and the relevant speaker.
Registrations are now open! Please note that participation will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. The participation fee for non-UNISTOCK members of €400 (VAT excluded) includes:
Participation in all sessions of the workshop (morning and afternoon sessions).
Coffee breaks and lunch.
All presentations and training materials shown during the workshop.
Transport from the Orsett Hall Hotel to Thames Grain Elevators and back.
Technical visit of Thames grain elevators.